Amnesium's aim is to be an enabler for Australian Federal Government Business. We have an in depth understanding of the Government procurement processes and an understanding of the overarching security architecture as articulated in the Protective Security Policy Framework and the Australian Government Information Security Manual.
As such, we can provide a suite of products which will enable you to embrace modern business processes in a safer and reasonable manner. We also provide deployable solutions which includes hardware and software prepackaged and configured in a turnkey manner which can be dropped into your environment with a minimum of fuss. For more complex bodies of work, qualified project managers can provide their services and associated artifacts to not only ensure delivery but accountability.
You don't buy a car as a box of parts and we see that the future of ICT is in delivering capabilities not just components, if this is what you need then let us know your requirements and we'll build your vision.
Some of the products and vendors who we recommend and resell are listed below.
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